Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Hello again fellow friends that actually read this. My next blog may not be something some of you want to read, but nevertheless, I want to post about. I am going to "try" each Sunday to post something about Sunday school and what we learned/talked about. My view may be wrong but it is just how I interpret what I read. I would also like to say that I will be honest with what I am thinking, if I think it I will more than likely write it down for everyone to see. I don't want to offend anyone with what I say and if I do, I'm sorry in advance.

Starting off, we talked about Deuteronomy 6:6-15. This is where you get your Bibles out and begin reading before reading more of this.

Honestly, before today I had not read this passage of scripture in the Bible. I found it very interesting and fun to interpret. What I really want to focus on is 6-9, in our Sunday school book, it is titled, "Share Your Life Message"... This is actually part of the reason that I wanted to start blogging about Sundays also, because I made this blog to send a message to my readers, to teach them my mistakes in hopes that they learn from them or are inspired by something I have said. Maybe the case is only one person is out of the 300 or so that have already read the blog, but that to me is successful because I have touched one person. I would also hope that that one person has also become closer to God while reading... But back to the whole reason I am posting this, 6-9 goes a little something like this:

"(6)These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. (7)Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. (8)Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead. (9)Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates."

First of all, the words are given to you in 1-5 but, for those of you that did not get your Bible out, Moses is saying to all of Israel to fear God, to love him with all your heart, soul and strength. As the title in our book says, " Build on the Right Foundation", Moses is laying out the foundation for our walk with God. As I have said before, you can't love him halfheartedly, once again, it is all or nothing.

That is just a short and sweet summary, of what is going on, if you want to get the full scripture, I suggest you pull out your Bible...

Onto the good stuff! As I have already posted above, 6-9 can be quite puzzling. What exactly does this passage of scripture mean? Well, honestly I'm sure to each person it can mean something different, so here is how I look at it, while combining some of what I learned earlier. In verse 6, I simply believe that we are to carry in our hearts, God, the same way we do our own families. God should be at the top of the list in your heart. The words Moses has given us of God should be remembered and stored in our heart that way if someone were to try to take them away from us, the only way to get it would be to cut out our heart. That to me shows that you fear God more than any man, like scripture says. You would rather keep the message in your heart and suffer death with a heart for God facing the Lord rather than an empty heart facing the Lord.

Verse 7, I look at this verse signifying prayer. What better way to talk about the words, spoken previously, with your children than through prayer? The passage says to talk while you sit in your house, walk along the road, when you lie down and get up. I believe that the one thing I have found so far that can relate to all of these is prayer. Prayer to me is the most powerful way to spread God's word and love, it is the most powerful way to spread your "life's message". Repeating through prayer is a way to teach in my opinion. If you hold the words true in your heart as the scripture says, then you could very well teach by praying from your heart. Granted, this is just my opinion. I don't want to cause any arguments because I know there can be MANY more interpretations. This is just more to think about and consider.

Anyways! In verse 8, I believe as was said in Sunday school, this can be taken literally, as you can bind the sign on your hand or forehead, but I also feel this could be something as simple as, what if your hand was the sign and your forehead was the symbol? Some of you are like "what is this crazy kid talking about" but let me explain, your hand can bear the story of the message and so can the knowledge you have stored in your head. Maybe it has been that you have let the words spoken be shown through your actions (hence your hand). Maybe those actions came when you walked along the road, you helped lead another person on a broken path, to God. To me that is a sign bound to your hand, showing your love with all your heart, soul and strength. When you continue to lend a hand when the path has become rugged and worn.

To me, you can see the knowledge you have learned following the words on your forehead. You can see it in the wrinkles and the scars. Maybe each is a different story. It is just an idea that I'm throwing out, so you don't literally look at it, well literally. Maybe the spreading of that knowledge, leading others to Christ, fearing that without doing so, you have not done enough to please the Lord, or once again doing it with all your heart, soul and strength to show your love for the Lord. Who knows what is really meant? My idea may be a little crazy, but is just an idea.

Lastly, I believe that verse 9 is simple. If you are living a lavish lifestyle, and you never have the heart to give, or you give a small amount and save a majority for your own selfish needs, then maybe you're not giving everything and you certainly aren't fearing God. The way you can write the words on the doorposts and gates is by really living a life towards God and only God. Giving up the lavish lifestyle for a simple on, giving the most you can give and not the least saved for your own selfishness. Maybe it is in those doorposts and gates that people will find the true love for God, the true meaning of sacrifice for God. Having the faith and determination to follow his plan and not their own, no matter the cost.

I am going to be completely honest right now guys, it is 1:20, I have been thinking about this blog for quite a while now and I am still not finished, I am going to go ahead and post it and finish it tomorrow. But once again, This is just an opinion to go along with what had been discussed. I am in a learning process and I am not afraid to be wrong, if I am, so what at least I expressed an idea, getting shot down then back up is the perfect way to grow. So hopefully if you disagree or want to add any points to this you do and we can discuss it further. I am sure it is mumbo jumbo, but I assure you, it is the fact that I am extremely tired...

But anyways,

Peace out cubscouts.

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