Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Back Talkin' Back Hand

To all the parents that are reading this, yes you can steal that and threaten your kids with it from now on. If you actually go to using it though, you for real gotta yell out "Back Talkin' Back Hand Arghhh!" Kind of like "Hulk Smash" except longer and funnier. I want videos also if you do that, just saying.

But hey, I assume we all know what my next blog is going to be about right? Well if not, don't fret, take a deep breath, get your eyes checked and if those are okay well then you must be suffering a side-effect of the Back Talkin' Back Hand that you received at some point in your life and have obviously pushed/forgotten that memory. It's okay, we are all here to support you.

Blah blah blah, let us dive into tonight's blog, kind of like a high jumper dives into a pool or a deer dives in front of your 60mph car on the Natcher. Let's go with the swimmer, the only thing splattering everywhere is water, with the deer, well you know...

But hey, I'm typing this tonight because, well tonight I back talked to my step-mom. I actually do feel kind of bad about it because I was just mad at the time from other stuff and I felt like I was being accused of something I didn't do, which looking back on it, I wasn't. So, Bridget, I am sorry for being a butthole, that may have lessened my chances of that new phone sooner, but I would like to encourage you to think long and hard before you make a decision... Did I mention I love you?

But for real kiddos, back talking isn't cool. It causes more problems than it fixes and is disrespectful to the person you do it to. Whether you think they deserve it or not, that is a matter of opinion best left to yourself, unless you want to suffer the consequences and probably whine some more about whatever it is.

The first of the ten commandments says to "Honor your father and mother", well folks mouthing off and what not to them isn't really honoring them. Far from it to say the least. I'd say that doesn't please God very well since you are ignoring what he has commanded of you just because you can. I keep using you but really, I just did that so I should be using I. Maybe some people will read this and say I am being too dramatic about it but hey, here's how I see it: I let down my parents and my mammaw, I was a bad example to my little siblings and I let down God. Well shoot fire. Not exactly how I wanted my night to go on top of everything else but it is a lesson learned. Slow down and think about your actions before you make them actions, if that makes any sense to anyone but me.

Disobeying God is disobeying God, no matter how you look at it, some people may look at this as something little, I look at it as sin is sin and yeah, sin isn't good. People get into trouble when they start comparing things. I guess it is a way to maybe lessen the severity of something and say it is okay to do it because it isn't as bad as something else. True in some aspects, but when it is really looked into, comparing acts of sin or disrespect or whatever you want to call it is just an excuse to continue doing that act over and over again because it isn't near as bad as something else.

^ I realize this may be confusing because I am awful at putting my thoughts down into a clear format, but I think everyone gets the gist of my post so far. How that relates to back talking is, it becomes a habit really after so long because you think it isn't the worst you can do. As I have said, sin is sin, so don't do it! I actually try to be respectful and to not backtalk or complain about things anymore because I mean, things are just easier that way. I'm pretty sure that it has been quite some time sense I have really done that to my parents and I am disappointed it happened tonight no matter the circumstance.

Parents deserve more respect than they typically get. So I am once again sorry!

Moral of the blog: Sin is sin no matter the severity, don't back talk your parents unless you want the back hand. Trust me, dad has given it to me before, it hurts. I wouldn't advise any kids to actually seek it out.

"Honor your father and mother." This is the first commandment with a promise
-Ephesians 6:2

"Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the LORD your God is giving you.
-Deuteronomy 5:16

I am sure I could have added more but I am worn out and I need some sleep for work tomorrow, I will come back and edit this at some point but for now, I hope everyone enjoyed it and what not. If not, oh well...

*DISCLAIMER* This blog post was not intended to get a new phone. Simply to tell the world about back talking. The phone will come in due time.

Peace out cubscouts!

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