What to expect when you're expecting?
^ I wanted to obviously keep my general theme for Sunday blogs titled "Sunday XX/XX/XXXX" but I could not resist using the above title name! To answer everyone's number one question, no we did not have a church trip to the movies to see this and my post is not about this movie. Granted I haven't seen it, so by some weird chance it could be related, but that would be crazy.
In other news, if you are a first time reader of my blog, welcome, hopefully you enjoy it! If you are back for more of my thoughts, well thank you for actually being interested. I hope everyone enjoys this post from church today and also to what Nick wanted to read about last night. Here goes nothing.
Earlier today, once again I did not speak my mind in Sunday school class as I said I would. I'm not sure why, maybe it is my fear of being wrong and embarrassing myself, actually I think it is mostly just being wrong. I can live with embarrassing myself, I do it every single day, I am an expert at it and have come to accept that is just me. It is surprising to me though I still don't speak my mind, just goes to show how much easier it is to type it all out and let me read it rather than talking in person and actually having to be there with that person. But let me back track to the first sentence, earlier today a man in class said something about us expecting God to do things for other people we pray for and it just got me thinking, we can't expect God to do anything honestly. God expects and demands things from us, but it just isn't possible to expect or demand things from him. I think He would probably just laugh and say that we are crazy and foolish. Who knows... I'd just like to point out, I completely understand what was being said in class, it is just the more I got to thinking, the more I decided this would be what I blog about and give my opinion on... When I hear "I expect..." I think of something physical following right after, like "I expect that money now." or "I expect you to clean this mess up", hmmm, maybe those are awful examples, but what I am getting at is when you expect something you want to see what is going on, you want proof. Well this is where I think faith kicks in.
Faith to me is the absence of proof, the absence of physical evidence, it is the belief in the unseen. God wants us to be faithful to him no matter what, through the good and bad. Everyone is tested at some point or another in whether or not they have faith in the Lord. Those that do have faith will triumph because they do not need proof of His presence, but those that are unfaithful will falter because they require/expect what God will not give. When everything you have is taken from you and you still remain faithful to the Lord, you will reap the rewards. Don't believe me, go read Job, it is good. Just sayin.
There are many reasons to remain faithful in the Lord: To at some point meet God, to show others what faith can do, etc. The point is really, without faith, I don't really see any way you can get to heaven to meet God. Maybe someone else sees it differently, but that is just my opinion. I look at it as why would God want to meet you if you never had faith in His power or Himself? I don't think he would. But that is just me.
For me, I know that he has had a plan for me my entire life, he has sent me on one crazy ride and I guess I never really had faith until recently. Whatever it was that kicked on inside of me, well it seriously kicked me! I believe I have changed for the better and the only reason I can explain it is because I put all my trust in God and I am willing to continue the ride, but this time with him. I don't expect anything from God because I know I am undeserving. I only hope and have faith that he will get me through everything. But He owes me nothing, I owe him everything.
Well, that is really all I have right now folks. I am sure I can add more, like I have done for a few others, I will comeback and touch it up, but hey at least you got a new post from me for the first time in forever! I hope it maybe opened some eyes or made you think. If not, well I guess that means I suck. I don't know, but hey, peace out cubscouts!
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