Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Satanic Temptations

Hey there my lovely readers, fans, haters... It sure has been a while since I have blogged! This post will almost certainly hit a few of you all as it has me just thinking about it all day. So let's cut to the chase shall we?

So I never really thought about this until the mother of this really of this really awesome girl I know (yeah, I want a few points, so what)...made me think... I suppose I should tell you what it is that I am thinking right? Yeah!

"God has given me peace so, I know He's got this ... but, satan sure does work hard to cause me to doubt & fear ... so, I do need prayers for toughness, boldness & strength to fight the devil cause Jesus has got the cancer!"

If you can't see what she sees and has shown me, I will elaborate...

From what I have learned (which could possibly be nothing if I completely screw this up), God loves to lead us down paths that challenge us as Christian's. NO, I am not saying God tempts us Himself, but He does lead us to temptation on occasion, see Matthew 4:1 - Jesus was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit - If you don't know what came next, well he was tempted by the bad ole Devil yo. Excuse me for my gangster talk... But why does he do this? Well to challenge us to persevere of course.

You see, every time we pray during a tough time, we pray that God will do something for us that directly goes to our situation. But I think I learned something much more earlier in my conversation, God already has a plan for us, he CURE us in some way, he will save us from sickness. While praying for what we already know to be true is fine and dandy, I now also say we should pray for our battle with the Devil. He is always lurking in the shadow's waiting for our weakest point, waiting for a time to really crush us during our trials. The real trial is not getting through the task at hand physically or emotionally or however you want to say it, but what really matters is getting through it spiritually. Will we let the Devil conquer us in our time of weakness or will we have the strength, boldness to stand firm in our belief that God has us covered in any situation, to stand firm against the Devil as he attacks us.

I am certainly a failure in that aspect, the Devil seems to always get me when I least expect it. But I believe I have been praying for the wrong things. I've been praying for a quick fix and the easiest way out, rather than strength for a long grueling battle with temptation. I could be wrong but I think I could be onto something... Well my friend certainly is at least.

You learn something new when you least expect it and I am so grateful for the strong people out there that teach me how to see clearer and how to do better.

In case you did not see before, my friend has cancer and I ask that we each pray for her as she is tempted by the Devil, it is her wish to receive prayers to help fight the Devil and I want to respect that and help/pray in any way I can. It truly is people like her that I admire, people with courage through the toughest of times. It is a blessing even though I barely know her, but to be put down a path and understanding and being at peace with the obstacles, it is just amazing. Sometimes I let my life get me down for the smallest of things. I think I have really learned a big lesson.

Thanks guys, I know it was a little ramblish or something but oh well. It is what it is... go listen to this song - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoPyLcY6Zv4

peace out cubscouts.

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