You may be thinking, "What the crapola is this dude talking about?" just by reading the title. Shoot I am always wondering what I'm talking about, but to me, this phrase makes perfect sense now. So what exactly am I saying? Well let me just ask a simple question... What do you like to do? What brings you enjoyment/happiness?
For myself, I enjoy singing and playing instruments horribly. It is just fun to get caught up in the moment, expressing myself how I want to. I was talking to a friend earlier today about how bad I am and she said "It's about enjoyment not entertainment. You don't have to be good as long as you have fun."... So true... You know, I'm not living my life to please anyone but God and I am sure that God does not care if I can or cannot sing or play an instrument. What He does want is for me to give all I can to worship Him. So I guess what I am saying is forget all the people that make fun of you. Why? Because their opinion doesn't matter in the end, God's does and that is it. Period.
This goes back to one of my older blogs. If you have been reading you would know it was the one about judging others and how we shouldn't, if you haven't been reading/ are a new reader I will help you out:
It is decent so check it out.
But back to what I was saying before, God is all that matters and as long as we are pleasing Him with the things we do in a Godly way then kiss what others think goodbye and do your own thing. Express yourself how you want to, be you because that is what makes you special. I'm not the smartest guy around but I do know a few things, so take my advice... sing, dance, play guitar, the piano, flute... I don't care what it is, what you do, how good you are, just do it. You should be entertaining with what you do not using what you do do to entertain others. Make it personal, if it is then you will be happier, instead of trying to adjust and pleasing others! But whatever you do... don't just do it like Tiger Woods...
Well, I can't ramble anymore. My head is killing me. Until next time dudes and dudettes!
peace out cubscouts
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