Howdy yall... Wassup, what's good, how's it hanging, what's crackalackin? Well it is that time of the day again, bloggin time! It has been exactly 8 days since my last post and I know you all are just so sad that I haven't had one in so long. So I decided to treat you all with a fathers day blog! So shall we hop to it? I think so.
So, my dad became a father at some time during the day (lol) December 6th, 1992. I was his first son and he decided it would be cool I guess to name me after him. Thank you father, way to confuse the whole world. Just kiddin I love it. Since then he has been the best dad a son could ask for!
I'm positive that we have had our ups and downs, I am positive I drive him totally bonkers at times, but sorry dad you do the exact same to me. Especially when you get mad for no reason, at least I think it is no reason usually. Also when you complain about stupid stuff... Yeah that's right I said stupid stuff! Please don't ground me when you read this. I loveee you.
Just kidding everything you say is pure genius and none of it is dumb...
I have to say dad, you are one hard working man, especially these past few weeks when you have been killing yourself with doubles practically every day working 60+ hours. You are crazy!
Also, I am sorry that I used to not ever want to go fishing with you, I wish I did because now you won't ever take me because you are a big baby and don't want to hear complaining. I blame myself for not making you get used to it when I was little. Hahaha.
Daddy-o you da bestest. I hope that one day I am half the dad you have been. There is a lot more that I could say but yeah. That is it for you father.
Moving on! Next up is Mike Duffy, only the world's greatest stepdad. This guy is the one that got me into computer games, which is good and bad at the same time. He stepped in even when he didn't have to and acted like my second dad, which I guess that is what it sort of makes him when hes my stepdad... If there was ever someone I'd have wanted to call that, it would be him and I thank the Lord for the chance he has given me.
Although he technically isn't my stepdad anymore, there is no way I will ever stop referring to him as that. It is impossible honestly! I loved coming to your house all the time and kicking your butt on UT, which you still suck at, just sayin! But it is just crazy now because of work and us being further away and everything! But I will for sure make time to see yall!
But hmm, to both of you, thank you for teaching me to be the best that I can be, for pushing me to be the best and teaching me to love and care for others. Thanks for all the memories on the baseball field and at home, you are both the most positive male role models in my life and I'm so thankful to be blessed with that. I wouldn't trade either of you for the world! I love you both.
Sooo, this is it folks! I dare say it is past my bedtime and I need all the sleep I can get. So I hope you enjoy this even though I think it is awful. Once again, I am sorry for slacking and not posting in a while, I hope to change that.
peace out cubscouts!
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