Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Just a little poem

I had a blog post before about writing poetry and well I haven't really written much of anything lately so I figure I will give it a try. Hopefully it doesn't turn out too bad.

I spoke to God about my life;
more specifically about my wife.

I wanted to ask for a girl that would see
The very different side of me.

But before I could speak,
God started to teach.

While I'm just a young man,
He still has a plan.

He will send me someone that won't judge my past,
a real love that will truly last.

A girl that will put Him first
even when things are at their worst.

He told me to wait and see
All good things will come to be.

Welp, that is it! Not the best but I mean, I tried.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

I like eggs

Hey folks! It certainly has been a while since my last post and I think I owe everyone an apology for not blogging like I had hoped for. It isn't that I was too busy, I just didn't have much motivation I suppose. That is all going to change now! I am very excited to continue posting for everyone that enjoys reading what I have to say. So with that said, onward to my new blog post!


Man oh man, what an interesting semester I have had. From changing my major to considering changing schools, it has been pretty hectic. I have probably thought more about my life as whole these past few months than I did all through high school and in my first year of college.If there is one thing this semester has really taught me, that would be that you always need to remain true to yourself!

As all of you all know, I wanted to teach for a very long time and well, part of me still does. Through prayer and some thoughts though, I believe that I have a different purpose in life. I still want to teach, but I want to do that through Sunday School for sure, with the possibility that I still teach math later on in life. I believe that God has given me a gift in my mathematics abilities and I know He wants me to use that. Where I go with that is completely up to him but I do plan on pursuing a degree in Math. All I know is that I need to apply myself and do the best that I can. Uncharacteristic of me to an extent, but I believe in myself and I know I will do great things with the help of God.

So how does this really relate to me or anyone for that matter remaining true to themselves? Well, I mean I grew up with numbers. I was scoring higher on an RGIS company test than the employees themselves at 10 years old. I was in Algebra 1 as a 6th grader and had it not been for my awful work ethic and no motivation back then, I would have probably been in a much better position mathematically than I am now. What I am saying is that I miss the numbers and I miss the fun in solving things. I am sure that sounds crazy to some people out there, but it is the truth. I LERVE MATHS!

Haha! Anyways, that is not the only reason/relation to remaining true to yourself, I have plenty more to share. So this is where it gets a little more serious, hide yo kids, hide yo wife if you scurred... If not read on!

Throughout this semester I have had my ups and downs. I have been depressed at times and happier than ever other times. Through those experiences, I have learned one important thing, the only person you owe anything to is God. Granted, I still like to be honest with my friends and family just because that is me, but God is who you should worry about first and foremost. I think I got caught up in worrying about people/myself...mostly girls... rather than worrying more about God. I suppose what I am trying to say is that sometimes I tried to force stuff to happen that God obviously did not want for me in my life. I am thankful that he opened my eyes and now I am back on track. Patience is a virtue, I have always lacked that but now I just feel better about it, I really don't know how to explain it. All I know is that through prayer, anything is possible and God continues to show up in my life and I couldn't be more thankful for what He has done.

So what I am trying to say is that through being honest with God and admitting my mistakes, seeking guidance from Him rather than doing it myself, I realized that anything is possible. It may not happen today, tomorrow or next week but if I give it time and I continue to care for the seed God has planted, it will grow into something beautiful.

I know that this blog is sort of a huge ramble and maybe makes no sense or doesn't flow...idk, it's my blog! SHUDDAP!

I love yall

peace out cubscouts!